LA ARMADA DE MEXICO PARTICIPÓ EN EL EJERCICIO "SINK-EX" (Ejercicio de Hundimiento) como parte de su intervención en la operación naval multinacional.
Con fuego de sus cañones Bofors y desde el aire, con los helicópteros Bolkow y Panther, la Patrulla Oceánica PO-161 "Oaxaca" cumplió la misión encomendada y hundió al buque USS-Connolly, que sirvió de blanco para los ejercicios navales internacionales.
Desde el aire, con fuego de rockets lanzados desde el helicóptero BO-105 Bolkow, y desde la cubierta da la Patrulla Oceánica PO-161 "Oaxaca", con su cañón Bofors, el buque mexicano cumplió a satisfacción la misión encomendada por los mandos navales que coordinan la Operación UNITAS 50: cañonear y bombardear con fuego simultáneo al buque señuelo norteamericano.
La mañana del 29 de abril fue una de las más importantes y de mayor exigencia para la tripulación del PO-161 Oaxaca, bajo el mando delCapitán de Fragata Efrén Gómez y la coordinación, desde el buque US Donald Cook (DDC-75), de comandantes norteamericanos con instrucciones precisas para el desplazamiento de las naves mexicanas.
Los reporteros especializados de la UNITAS 50, pertenecientes a la Marina de los Estados Unidos, describieron la jornada como intensa, bien coordinada y con logros y avances muy buenos ppara la Armada de México.
"¡Fuego!, ordenaba la voz en la transimisión de radio mientras el eco del disparo era un estruendo en el aire del Océano Atlántic. Y al primer disparo siguieron uno y otro, en una rápida secuencia de fuego", indican los reportes de la comandancia de la UNITAS 50.
Este tipo de práctica no es nueva para el capitán de la nave PO-Oaxaca, quien prioriza la experiencia y el fogueo que obtendrá el personal naval mexicano en esta segunda incursión internacional en la que participan naves de 11 países.
El siguiente es el reporte completo de la comandancia de la UNITAS 50 acerca del día de fuego naval de la Patrulla Oceánica Oaxaca frebnte a las costas de Florida:
UNITAS Gold Welcomes Mexican Navy
Posted On: May 2 2009 5:22PM
By Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Brandon Shelander
ATLANTIC OCEAN – The Mexican patrol vessel ARM Oaxaca (PO-161) participated along with ships from 11 nations in the sinking exercise (SINKEX) of the former ex-USS Connelly (DD 975) April 29 during UNITAS Gold.
“Fuego!” says a mechanic voice over a radio as a loud boom echoes across the Atlantic Ocean, followed by another and another in a rapid series. Distant, soundless splashes rise into the air where the shells from a 76/62mm naval cannon mark their entry into the rough blue water during the sinking exercise of the ex-USS Connelly (DD 975) on April 29 during UNITAS Gold.
Practice firing the main cannon onboard the Armada de Mexico (ARM) Oaxaca (PO-161) is nothing new for Oaxaca’s commanding officer, who’s full title reads Capitan de Fragata Cuerpo General Diplomado Estado Mayor Comandante. However, for Efren Gomez Luis, it’s the chance to train his crew and work with 11 navies at once during UNITAS Gold, an annual maritime exercise that provides a rigorous training environment in which participating nations conduct joint and combined operations in a realistic scenario.
“Personally, UNITAS is a great learning opportunity for me and my crew, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time,” said Luis, on the bridge of Oaxaca while watching the horizon with large binoculars.
An English speaking voice comes through the radio, someone from USS Donald Cook (DDG-75). They relay course information and Oaxaca’s radioman, a young officer fresh from Mexico’s naval academy, replies in English. Oaxaca’s finished its practice firing and will reset course to a position with the other ships. In front of Oaxaca, four ships make an orderly line, and behind, five more, all sailing in formation for UNITAS Gold.
UNITAS Gold is a two-week exercise with realistic scenario-driven training opportunities featuring live-fire exercises, undersea warfare, shipboard operations, maritime interdiction operations, anti-air and anti-surface warfare, amphibious operations, electronic warfare, and special warfare. In total, over 25 ships, four submarines and more than 50 aircraft have participated.
The primary goal of the training is to promote maritime security and stability as well as interoperability between partner nations. This year is the first time Mexico has participated. Its assets in the exercise include the offshore patrol vessel, ARM Oaxaca (PO-161) and frigate, ARM Mina (F-214).
“I feel very happy to be in this very important event. Our training has become stronger, as well as our capacity in stopping narco-trafficking and in defense of our national territories,” Luis said.
The crew of the ARM Oaxaca echoed the sentiments of their Commanding Officer.
“I’m very proud to be in UNITAS,” said Teniente de Corbeta Arturo Morales Desachy one of the officers in charge of translating incoming radio communications during the exercise. “I hope we keep participating and attend next year’s UNITAS. We’ve brought some of the best officers from our country to take part in this,” said Desachy.
“Three officers who’ve come in 1st place at the naval academy are on this crew. The Comandante Luis also asked the academy to send us their best midshipmen. We all want to learn as much as possible. I would like to learn about maneuvers, fire exercises, aerial and surface exercises and all things needed to be prepared in case we help with a natural disaster or are part of a task force,” Desachy explained.
Officers aren’t the only ones who see UNITAS Gold as a rich training experience and a chance to mingle with navies from other countries. The enlisted sailors aboard Oaxaca have a favorable outlook as well.
“It’s good to be here training with the U.S.,” said Juan Carlos Morales Areualo, Oaxaca’s barber, 3/Er. Miestre SAIN Peluquero. “It feels good for my country to be here with my shipmates for all its beautiful experience.”
Areualo works in the bowels of the ship, in a small but tidy room used to cut hair. His primary tools are a buzz clipper with no attachments, and a straight razor. “I never before have been here with these others navies training this way,” he says while trimming the sides of an Oaxaca sailor’s hair with a straight razor.
“It’s good training,” he continues once his current customer is happy and on his way, “we get more experience in things we don’t usually do. I’d like to come back to keep training and get better and better. We appreciate the U.S. for inviting us to come here to UNITAS.
It makes me feel proud that we were chosen to be here so we can be better. Go forward. I like it when they said that about UNITAS. To go forward together. I’m the barber, and I’m proud to be the first barber to represent my country here at UNITAS.”
The sound of an alarm echoes through Oaxaca as they prepare for a fire drill. Later in the day, Areualo is on the flight deck, in a fireman’s suit. He’s put down the clippers for a fire hose. The training is constant during the two weeks of UNITAS Gold, but it’s met by the crew of Oaxaca, who all share the same sentiment, and the same commitment to making this UNITAS the first of many for the Armada de Mexico.
UNITAS is being held from Apr. 20 to May 5, and will bring together participants and observers from the Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Mexico, Peru, the United States and Uruguay.